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Marzo 2025
3 Settembre 2010
Interview with Anders Berntell, SIWI's Executive Director, about the 2010 edition of World Water Week.
di Cristina Barbetta
30 Agosto 2010
Intervista a Nicoleta Pitu, attivista per i diritti dei Rom, sulle recenti espulsioni volute da Nicolas Sarkozy
27 Agosto 2010
Romanian Roma activist talks about the repatriation of the Roma
Bulgarian Roma activist talks about the return of the Roma from France
26 Agosto 2010
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.
23 Agosto 2010
Roma rights advocate Angela Kocze says that the French expulsion policy is just the tip of the iceberg
30 Luglio 2010
22 Luglio 2010
Bored? Find out where, when and why to go to soak up Europe's best arts, music and theatre events
14 Luglio 2010
Chancellor Werner Faymann says he is calling for the repayment of the loan his SPÖ-ÖVP coalition government made to Austrian banks last year during the worst of the crisis. In June the government announced that it would be introducing the...
13 Luglio 2010
Interview with Angela Kocze, one of Hungary’s most outspoken Roma rights advocates.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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