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Febbraio 2025
13 Dicembre 2010
Nine member states deny healthcare access to women and children without documents
di Cristina Barbetta
1 Dicembre 2010
The EC fails to implement the EU call for strategy to fight violence against women, says EWL
30 Novembre 2010
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.
25 Novembre 2010
25 of November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence
24 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. Vitaever, one of the winners of the first European social innovation competition.
23 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. Aconchego Program, one of the winners of the first European social innovation competition
22 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. A voluntary empowerment project that works with parents of socially disadvantaged children
18 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. Low-Impact Living Initiative (LILI), a non profit organisation based in the UK.
16 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. Connected Care, one of the winners of the first European social innovation competition
15 Novembre 2010
Non Profit ID card. A sustainable honey industry in the heart of the city gives work to the homeless
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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