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Febbraio 2025
26 Luglio 2011
10-12 August 2011, Sweden: the exhibition is part of the EYV 2011
di Cristina Barbetta
4 August 2011, Dublin, Ireland: an exhibition against human trafficking for prostitution
1 August 2011, Oswiecim, Poland: commemoration of genocide
15 Luglio 2011
350 youngsters gathered in Turin to become the protagonists of their future
30 Giugno 2011
Come to Turin and enjoy a non-stop 5 days celebration!
28 Giugno 2011
20-22 July 2011, Sheffield: a course on social entreprise
20 July 2011, London: a free brefing to help organisations cope with the challenges that lie ahead
17-22 July 2011, Amsterdam: a one week social innovation thinktank!
14 July 2011, London: a fundraising course for charities
12-13 July, Warwick: homeless is a local issue
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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