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Febbraio 2025
9 Luglio 2012
...At AIESEC Annual Summit 2012, this year at its third edition
di Cristina Barbetta
Pistoia to be awarded as first Italian Social Business City in Italy
20 Giugno 2012
Ashoka Turkey is gathering 40 young innovators in Istanbul
18 Giugno 2012
The sector’s flagship awards are now in their 14th year
11 Giugno 2012
Ten Ideas to Fix Broken Britain
The Day is observed worldwide on 12 June
6 Giugno 2012
It will be held at The Hub Milan from 8 to 10 June
5 Giugno 2012
The master is both aimed at Italy and Arab countries
Sarà attivato in Italia e nei paesi arabi che ne faranno richiesta
1 Giugno 2012
Culture and ecology combine in a unique project
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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