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Febbraio 2025
7 Gennaio 2013
Social Innovation for Communities is an initiative identifying social challenges and promoting the implementation of innovative solutions
di Cristina Barbetta
19 Dicembre 2012
Changemakers for EXPO 2015 is a programme of acceleration of enterprise linked ot the challenges of EXPO 2015
10 Dicembre 2012
Pioneers Post is the new online newspaper and learning platform for ambitious social innovators
5 Dicembre 2012
Roots of Empathy is a an award winning classroom program teaching children social and emotional competence and increasing empathy
30 Novembre 2012
On the 4th of December Paris ex Stock Exchange will host the Grands Prix de l’Innovation de la Ville de Paris (Paris Big Prizes for Innovation) as well as a a very peculiar quotation session...
28 Novembre 2012
AIESEC Connection Day 2012: an opportunity for university students, companies and non profits to confront and interact
26 Novembre 2012
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.
22 Novembre 2012
KaosPilots is an internationally acclaimed business school with a learning by doing programme
20 Novembre 2012
Actuality Media is a short documentary organization that leverages the work of students to benefit changemakers around the world.
15 Novembre 2012
Startup Pirates will be in Barcelona from 24 November to 1 December
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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