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Febbraio 2025
3 Marzo 2014
Huertos Compartidos puts into contact those who wish to grow their own food with land owners
di Cristina Barbetta
24 Febbraio 2014
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe
20 Febbraio 2014
Al via Learn Money Week 2014, la campagna sull’educazione finanziaria che insegna ai bambini e ai ragazzi a gestire il loro denaro
22 Gennaio 2014
20 Dicembre 2013
17 Dicembre 2013
A MakeSense Gangster has just started a tour from Istanbul to Morocco through Europe to help green entrepreneurs implement their ideas
4 Dicembre 2013
An online platform brings visitors together with local people who help them plan their trips
28 Novembre 2013
AIESEC’s Youth to Business Forum comes to Italy for the third time. It will take place at the LUISS University of Rome on the 4th of December.
26 Novembre 2013
7 Novembre 2013
Emprender para Cambiar aims to promote social entrepreneurship by bringing to Spain programmes that are already working in other countries
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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