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Febbraio 2025
22 Luglio 2014
Launched by Adie, France’s pioneer microcredit organization, it is one of the 15 projects selected by the President of the French Republic in the framework of "La France s’engage",that accelerates socially useful projects. Everyone can give ideas to help solve...
di Cristina Barbetta
17 Luglio 2014
It is an NGO that provides youth under 30 in Europe a platform for debates with decision-makers within Europe. ThinkYoung has been lobbying for young people since 2007 in Brussels and now it is also in Geneva and in Hong...
E’ una ong che fornisce una piattaforma agli under 30 in Europa per dibattere con i politici europei. Fa lobby per i giovani dal 2007 a Bruxelles e ora è anche a Ginevra e ad Hong Kong.
10 Luglio 2014
Il grande reporter lancia il suo nuovo progetto sull’Afghanistan, sostenuto col crowdfunding
26 Giugno 2014
A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe
22 Maggio 2014
13 Maggio 2014
The Youth to Business Forum, AIESEC's international event to foster youth entrepreneurship, returns to Italy for the fourth time. It will be held at the Bocconi University in Milan on the 16th of May.
29 Aprile 2014
24 Marzo 2014
6 Marzo 2014
Café de l’Avenir is a French association aimed at helping young graduates get a glimpse of working life through the help of more than 180 volunteers from the world of business.It works in Parisian cafés.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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