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11 Maggio 2010
South Africa gets ready to host of the FIFA World Cup and PUMA gives the entire continent an image makeover.
di Courtney Clinton
1)Mendell, Marguerite(2003).The Social Economy in Quebec. VIII Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública, Panamá, 28-31. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from 2) Neamtan, Nancy (Feb. 28, 2006) Interview: the social economy. [Radio...
A strong and robust third sector that relies heavily on government funding.
7 Maggio 2010
Interview with Father Antonio Voutsinou, president of Caritas in Greece, on greek unrest
4 Maggio 2010
New Carnegie UK Trust Report advocates for civil society to take on bigger role.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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