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Febbraio 2025
1 Ottobre 2010
Interview with Lynda Stopfor, head of engagement for Social Entrepreneurs Ireland
di Courtney Clinton
30 Settembre 2010
Social organisations worry about the implications of more cuts but vow to continue serving the most vulnerable
29 Settembre 2010
Austria, Germany and Switzerland have teamed up with the NGO ECPAT to fight sex tourism.
23 Settembre 2010
Client Earth is suing the European Commission over its failure to uphold transparency law.
21 Settembre 2010
Surviving the 'big squeeze'. Interview with Alison Blackwood of the London Voluntary Service Council.
15 Settembre 2010
Microsoft pledges free software licenses to NGOs to prevent further abuse of property rights laws by authorities
13 Settembre 2010
International Press Institute awards its Free Media Pioneer prize to Radio Okapi of the Democratic Republic of Congo
6 Settembre 2010
Andreas Hieronymus of the European Network Against Racism talks about the impact of Thilo Sarrazin’s book
1 Settembre 2010
Interview with William McFarland of London Sustainability Exchange about the Energise London initiative
31 Agosto 2010
Interview with Oleksii Khmara, President of Toro Creative Union, part of the Transparency International network
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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