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Marzo 2025
10 Novembre 2010
The European Court of Justice ruled that publishing EU farm subsidies beneficiaries violates privacy
di Courtney Clinton
3 Novembre 2010
Local elections in Ukraine have come under fire for not meeting European standards
28 Ottobre 2010
France’s social economy prepares for a month of celebrations
21 Ottobre 2010
The Green Lighthouse, the world's first carbon neutral building, celebrates its first anniversary
19 Ottobre 2010
Causes, a company that is applying viral principles to altruism and social causes, gets a big financial stimulus
14 Ottobre 2010
Environmental groups say the government and the private sector must take the environment more seriously
8 Ottobre 2010
Third sector leaders urge the Health Department to engage with them “in a genuinely collaborative way”
5 Ottobre 2010
Christian Democrats have formed a coalition government with a party whose leader stands trial for hate speech
1 Ottobre 2010
Interview with Ivan Cooper of The Wheel, a network of Irish NGOs
Interview with Rachel Collier co-founder of Young Social Innovators
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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