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Febbraio 2025
6 Marzo 2008
One of the UK's most successful social enterprises, The Hub, is based around principles of sharing, networking and, in the words of the Hub's founder, "serendipity"...
di Carlotta Jesi
5 Marzo 2008
Special Report: Spain/ Zapatero's report card as seen from civil society: the laws, best practices and indicators that tell us about the health of the Spanish third sector
4 Marzo 2008
Special Report: Spain/ Full marks in aid for development but political coherence gets a "D". This is how Ariane Arpa sums up Zapatero's four years in charge of the government
2 Marzo 2008
Cancellazione del debito, immigrazione, sviluppo sostenibile, incentivi fiscali per le donazioni: così i contendenti in gara hanno dovuto inserire nei programmi i temi cari al non profit.
29 Febbraio 2008
Spanish civil society is taking the elections by storm with a lobbying campaign worthy of the best British campaigning style. Next week Vita Europe will take an even closer look with a special report
26 Febbraio 2008
Since Cardiff achieved Fairtrade status in 2004, some 70 towns around Wales have followed suit, which is why Fairtrade Wales thinks Wales may well become the first Fairtrade country in the world.
18 Febbraio 2008
Parla Mery Ellen Jackson: "Abbiamo contattato i due candidati. Ecco comè andata".
1 Febbraio 2008
88% of social service users prefer those provided by the third sector. Why? Because they cater for the individual. But what is the future of the third sector in the UK? ...
23 Gennaio 2008
Oxfam and Ucodep have launched a joint partnership with shared budget and agenda. This is the first Oxfam office to ever be launched in Italy
22 Gennaio 2008
Lo sbarco di Oxfam. La grande ong inglese apre in Italia, in partnership con Ucodep.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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