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Febbraio 2025
27 Agosto 2008
From from September 2nd to 5th Edinburgh will host the first Social Enterprise World Forum
di Carlotta Jesi
25 Agosto 2008
Both Senators will join the "ServiceNation Summit" on September 11 to speak about civic engagement
ReliefWeb has compiled a 59 pages glossary of humanitarian terms
15 Luglio 2008
A bracelet invites volunteers to smile, but civil society highlights environmental and human rights issues
Take a challenge for charity, raise funds and visit projects. But don't let experience end along with your holidays. Dare to live the challenge for 365 days a year
7 Luglio 2008
Sen. Obama calls for expanded National Service
2 Luglio 2008
The new panel members appointed by Phil Hope bring experience from the third sector and beyond.
30 Giugno 2008
A prominent education professor at Harvard has begun leading “reflection” seminars to encourage students to consider public service
4 Giugno 2008
Intervista a Barbara Stocking, direttore di Oxfam Uk, impegnata nel vertice della Fao: «Serve anche la mobilitazione della gente comune»
Funds alone will not do. Only a long term strategy supported by governments, institutions and civil society will end the food crisis, says Oxfam director Barbara Stocking from the FAO summit in Rome
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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