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Febbraio 2025
4 Novembre 2008
Un trionfo per il senatore dell'Illinois. Cosa cambia per l'America e per noi
di Carlotta Jesi
15 Ottobre 2008
The project manager and coordinator of Mose explain the challenges for social project design
30 Settembre 2008
In memory of Paul Newman, who died at 83 on September 26 following a long battle with cancer, we have chosen to publish an interview with him two years ago during a visit he made to Italy. The topic? Philanthropy,...
29 Settembre 2008
In occasione della scomparsa di Paul Newman, ripubblichiamo un'intervista rilasciata al nostro settimanale. Tema centrale: ovviamente la filantropia
23 Settembre 2008
Women make up 52% of Milan's population and own the city's most precious knowledge: relationships. According to Gisella Bassanini it is these that can suggest truly constructive projects
10 Settembre 2008
The Mose project special report: part 2
The Mose project special report: part 1
9 Settembre 2008
Both Obama and McCain agree: the Voluntary National Service Act will be law
4 Settembre 2008
The conference on "European Approaches Towards Data Collection On Trafficking In Human Beings“ will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels on 18-19 September 2008.
2 Settembre 2008
In 2007, profits at charity shops broke through the £100m
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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