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Febbraio 2025
6 Novembre 2007
With the "think" card, purchases made with 16 selected ethical partners will attract a lower interest rate than those made elsewhere.
di Carlotta Jesi
Two Romanian websites promote integration, networking and career development
5 Novembre 2007
Social enterprise is the best tool we have to deal with immigration problems, both in Italy and Romania. This is the opinion of a young woman who has been through it herself
27 Settembre 2007
"Families have to be at the centre of all decision making" states the social entrepreneur who foundend the Big Issue
24 Settembre 2007
L'America del dopo Bush scopre le tematiche sociali. Una nuova attenzione che si rispecchia nei programmi dei candidati alle primarie. In edicola con VITA Magazine!
12 Settembre 2007
Active citizens change the world, not the government from above: three third sector leaders discuss Brown's 1st official speech of the season in light of the Euclid Summit in September
6 Settembre 2007
Jim Baker, director of Age Concern Brighton & Hove, discusses Gordon Brown's latest promises to the third sector and wonders whether it will be able to rise to the challenge ...
Horsesmouth aims to put people in touch with others and to share solutions to social problems
4 Settembre 2007
A report published by nfpSynergy teaches to charities how to raise money from the 21st century donor effectivly.
2 Agosto 2007
Volontariato: la nuova strategia del primo ministro britannico. Il discorso della svolta in anteprima su VITA Magazine in edicola
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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