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Febbraio 2025
15 Gennaio 2008
An unusual candidate is taking part in this year's American election campaigns, one that by law shouldn't really be mixed up in politics: the third sector.
di Carlotta Jesi
10 Gennaio 2008
Primarie americane/ Il non profit questa volta non sta a guardare: non era mai successo che la società civile giocasse un ruolo tanto decisivo nella corsa alla Casa Bianca
8 Gennaio 2008
Both Clinton and Obama started their carrer in the non profit sector. And, as president, both promise to foster the sector. Read how.
1 Gennaio 2008
Le professioni di domani. Una ricerca condotta da Business Innovation Center individua nuovi spazi e nuove specializzazioni. Ecco tre profili all'orizzonte
27 Dicembre 2007
Giving to charity has dropped in the last year, says NCVO, by at least 3%. A recent report uncovers that men and women give differently
24 Dicembre 2007
Local, and online. This is where Christmas shopping is going this year according Deloitte & Touches annual Christmas Retail survey. Here are a few tips from Europe
19 Dicembre 2007
The adoption of the Law will mean that Serbia will join the club of countries that have introduced this institution and will meet its obligations pertaining from its membership of the Council of Europ
11 Dicembre 2007
John Bird, founder of the Big Issue, self made man and social entrepreneur had hit the news when he chose to run for Mayor of London in March. A month ago he pulled out. Find out why...
10 Dicembre 2007
The search for a solution to Kosovo's status must not be an excuse for the authorities turning a blind eye to its serious human rights problems
6 Dicembre 2007
Il tavolo di coordinamento UE- società civile si incontra il 6 dicembre presso la Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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