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Marzo 2025
26 Gennaio 2010
Human Rights Watch publishes its annual report
di Bianet
9 Novembre 2009
In the course of the UN joint program "Women Friendly Cities", gender equality commissions have been set up by 6 provincial municipalities. The number of women's shelters and NGOs in the field of women's rights have increased. Gözke of Bianet...
17 Agosto 2009
The International Hrant Dink Foundation prepared an open film project on the topic of conscience. Short films can be submitted till 30 November and will be assessed by a jury formed by Costa Gavras and Georges Moustaki
15 Dicembre 2008
Turkish activists have called on Europe to support the social struggle of activits protesting in Greece.
19 Ottobre 2008
According to, Prime Ministry’s Human Rights Directorship, 7183 children were lost last year. Most of the incidents were in the cities with highest migration rates.
10 Ottobre 2008
Turkey is one of the few countries in the world where Youtube is not accessible ...
2 Giugno 2008
Children at a school in Istanbul have said no to global warming by founding their own environmental group and becoming activists. A self produced magazine will fund tree planting campaigns
28 Maggio 2008
Seven Turkish organizations working to defend human rights have joined forces to demand the removal of article 318 from the Turkish Penal Code (TCK).
19 Maggio 2008
71 countries have signed the Convention of the Disappeared, an important step for human rights. But the US, the UK and Turkey have not and only Albania has agreed to ratify it
16 Maggio 2008
Turkish women have tired of the sexually discriminatory representation of women in the Turkish media. The Women's Media Watch Group has launched a campaign to end media sexism
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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