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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
13 Marzo 2007, the UK's first online auction marketplace, has been launched by a social enterprise to raise money for charity
di Alpha communication
Two new funds have been launched in the UK to help communities improve and sustain their environments
It will look into the resources and services that are currently being used, identify gaps in support and recommend future actions
10 Marzo 2007
It will recognise and reward projects and enterprises that have achieved positive change for the places and communities most in need
6 Febbraio 2007
Eleven grants worth over 1.54m euro are being distributed across the Yorkshire and Humber region of the UK by the Big Lottery Fund
It will try to establish the scale of demand for private sector investment among social enterprises
The Department of Health confirms its awareness about the key role of social enterprises in reforming health and community services
They help their local communities by creating a whole range of social, educational, environmental and employment benefits
A wide range of enterprises have been supported by Co-operative & Community Finance. Here are some examples
The Access all Areas guide will encourage and promote the importance of rural proofing to the Third Sector
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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