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Febbraio 2025
21 Maggio 2007
The winners of the Edge Upstarts Awards 2007 were announced at St Jamess Palace, London, on Thursday 10th May.
di Alpha communication
Social enterprises in the UK could be on the way to getting their own Fairtrade-style kite mark and trade association with the launch of a pilot project in the South West of England.
4 Maggio 2007
According to David Parker, of Alpha Communication, the factors are: Government support, Legal structure CIC, Social accounting and social audit
7 Aprile 2007
The programme's initial partnership projects will call for both social entrepreneurs and front-line workers to come forward with ideas. Here are the first two projects approved.
6 Aprile 2007
The Social Enterprise Coalition has launched the 2007 Enterprising Solutions Awards, which offer social enterprises the chance to win £10,000
UK Chancellor Gordon Brown has announced that the government will provide 112m euro to grass roots community organisations
15 Marzo 2007
A global call from the University of Oxford asking entrepreneurial young people to submit ideas for innovative social enterprises
The Eden Project is holding a month long event to encourage its visitors to invest in cars that are more environmentally friendly
Triodos Bank increased its lending by £50 million, up 43% during 2006, and now lends over £160 million to hundreds of UKs most progressive organisations
14 Marzo 2007
A consortium of charities will involve more young people in deciding how £76 million in lottery cash is spent over the next two years
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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