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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
13 Novembre 2007
Aardman Animation has created a new series of animations to raise awareness of the prejudices faced by disabled people
di Alpha communication
12 Novembre 2007
The campaign aims to encourage young people to get involved in social enterprise and is heavily promoted during the UKs national Enterprise Week
11 Novembre 2007
Open letter to EU Commissioners Mandelson and Michel to express their concern about the EUs threat to increase import tariffs for ACP countries
8 Novembre 2007
Ashokas Changemakers and Nike have partnered to open a worldwide competition to recognise innovative projects that use the power of sport to achieve real social change.
1 Novembre 2007
Once I got started, I realised the amazing work that is carried out by the voluntary sector, which makes a real difference to people's lives. I haven't looked back since.
30 Ottobre 2007
A new project has been launched in Wales to raise funds for Darfur and increase awareness of the areas plight.
28 Ottobre 2007
The Certificate in Fundraising Management, a professional fundraising qualification in the UK, has been recognised as a leading European qualification by the European Fundraising Association (EFA)
23 Ottobre 2007
Women Like Us was named as the Best New Social Enterprise as part of the Enterprising Solutions Awards which took place in London on 17 October 2007
22 Ottobre 2007
Divine Chocolate, the fair-trade chocolate company co-owned by Ghanaian cocoa farmers, has won the Best Social Enterprise in UK award
18 Ottobre 2007
A workers co-operative based in Leeds has been awarded funding from the Big Lottery to produce and distribute a unique animated DVD aimed at parents of teenagers who are questioning their sexuality
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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