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Febbraio 2025
17 Giugno 2006
The Co-operative Bank, the fifth largest bank in the UK, turned away some £10 million (14 million euro) worth of business for ethical reasons last year
di Alpha communication
A new franchise of Fifteen - the social enterprise restaurant founded by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver - was launched on 18 May 2006 in Cornwall, England
The Third Sector Network has been launched in May to share ideas and experience and work together on issues of common concern
Shared Interest, the worlds leading fair trade finance co-operative, has launched a sister charity to complement its work.
Local authorities taking part in an innovative project to save £millions through carbon management programme
Social Firms UK has launched three new resources for people running, or hoping to set up, social enterprises or social firms
A partnership between a housing association and a social enterprise is saving the UK the Treasury and the wider economy over £500,000 a year in tax and National Insurance payments
30 Maggio 2006
Manchester-based Olive Co-operative launches Trees For Life Planting Peace in Palestine, a programme offering the public the opportunity to sponsor the planting of olive trees in Palestine
Scotland social enterprise McSence Group opens a call centre in an ex-mining town in Midlothian. The project will create 30 jobs and will provide jobs and training for unemployed people in the local c
Women dominated the awards for social enterprise and social entrepreneurs held in London in May
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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