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12 Luglio 2006
A new social enterprise is being set up to get homeless people off the streets providing training opportunities
di Alpha communication
The new Social Enterprise Unit will encourage innovation and entrepreneurialism in health and social care and will pave the way for new services
Fifteen community transport projects across Scotland are to receive over £1 million (1.4 million euro) in funding from the Scottish Executive's Rural Community Transport Initiative.
In Wales a new fund will combat social exclusion by supporting community-based activity with a flexible financial assistance
The Scottish Consumer Council, helped by the Scottish Executive Health Department, has published a guide to make it easier for communities to develop health initiatives.
Significant rise in the number of British people saving with credit unions - financial co-operatives, owned and controlled by their members, that offer savings accounts and good value loans.
UK Government celebrates the creation of the Community Interest Companies as a big success.
The new National Lottery Act will allow all social enterprises to access grants from the national lottery fund designed for community benefit.
17 Giugno 2006
UK newspaper the Guardian, in collaboration with the charity UnLtd, is holding the Innovative Vision Awards to reward the most innovative social entrepreneurs in the county.
The Co-operative Bank, the fifth largest bank in the UK, turned away some £10 million (14 million euro) worth of business for ethical reasons last year
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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