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Febbraio 2025
24 Agosto 2006
For every £1 given out by the fund, nearly £14 is coming back into the local economy
di Alpha communication
For the first time new talking computer software is being made available free of charge to blind people by a small social firm in the UK
Co-operatives can provide an effective vehicle for the large-scale provision of public utilities and governments planning public sector projects should include co-operative enterprises.
The UK government has launched a grants scheme to support projects developed by voluntary and community organisations working with offenders and their families.
Five co-operative business models for the UK's farming community have been launched by the Plunkett Foundation - a charity that supports the development of rural group enterprise.
The co-operative "Blooming Futures" will create a user base of 50 business vehicles running solely on Pure Plant Oil
12 Luglio 2006
Fifteen community transport projects across Scotland are to receive over £1 million (1.4 million euro) in funding from the Scottish Executive's Rural Community Transport Initiative.
In Wales a new fund will combat social exclusion by supporting community-based activity with a flexible financial assistance
The Scottish Consumer Council, helped by the Scottish Executive Health Department, has published a guide to make it easier for communities to develop health initiatives.
Significant rise in the number of British people saving with credit unions - financial co-operatives, owned and controlled by their members, that offer savings accounts and good value loans.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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