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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
24 Agosto 2006
Five co-operative business models for the UK's farming community have been launched by the Plunkett Foundation - a charity that supports the development of rural group enterprise.
di Alpha communication
The co-operative "Blooming Futures" will create a user base of 50 business vehicles running solely on Pure Plant Oil
In August the UK government announced a new scheme designed to bring more private investment into the social enterprise sector
The Village Retail Shop Association (ViRSA) will provide £2m (2.8m euro) of start-up funding to new community-owned shops over the next three years.
For every £1 given out by the fund, nearly £14 is coming back into the local economy
For the first time new talking computer software is being made available free of charge to blind people by a small social firm in the UK
12 Luglio 2006
UK Government celebrates the creation of the Community Interest Companies as a big success.
The new National Lottery Act will allow all social enterprises to access grants from the national lottery fund designed for community benefit.
A new online toolkit will make it easier for both funding bodies and groups applying for funds to assess the social, economic and environmental impact of projects.
Bridges Community Ventures has raised £33 million (46m euro) to invest in businesses in the most deprived areas of the UK that can produce exceptionally strong social benefits.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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