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28 Settembre 2006
The UK government is aiming to increase volunteering among the most socially excluded people in society and has pledged £1m (1.4m euro) to get it started.
di Alpha communication
Green-Works is a social enterprise dealing with office furniture, their refurbishment and distribution at a very low cost to charities, schools, community groups and start-up businesses
Residents of a suburb of Glasgow are about to become the first community to buy a commercial building under the Community Right to Buy provisions of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.
After creating an Industrial and Provident Society in 2005, two young farmers have now raised enough share income to save one of the UKs oldest organic farms from private development.
The project, Bangladeshi Women and Access to Social Enterprise in Camden (BWASEC), aims to understand the issues surrounding the unemployment of Bangladeshi women in Camden
Funding from the government is out of the reach of those homelessness charities who classify themselves as "small and intrepid" which in turn is driving them to look at social enterprise ventures
Campaigners for social enterprise in Scotland have called on the Scottish Executive to beef up its national growth plan for the sector
UCAN Perform triumphed in the Children's Champion category, which recognises projects that directly benefit children and young people, at the National Lottery Awards
24 Agosto 2006
In August the UK government announced a new scheme designed to bring more private investment into the social enterprise sector
The Village Retail Shop Association (ViRSA) will provide £2m (2.8m euro) of start-up funding to new community-owned shops over the next three years.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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