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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
16 Dicembre 2006
Planned for april 2007, the programme will assist new 40 potential health social enterprises
di Alpha communication
The Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition is holding a series of events in 2007 to promote social enterprise
According to a recent report few people access micro-finance and support from the agency network, often because of lack of information
A project in Birmingham to help develop social enterprises in some of the most deprived areas of the city
A loyalty card scheme enables users to get discounts and special offers from hundreds of local shops and independent businesses
The project, supported by Triodos Bank, provides a new finance guide aimed at social enterprises at all stages of development
25 Novembre 2006
UK government launches the "Social Enterprise Action Plan: Scaling new heights" on 17 November 2006.
New report from Triodos bank stresses the key role of ethical investments
A new policy paper focuses on the specific support required by social enterprises
The case of a London recycling company that now employs 169 staff and has over 2,000 regular clients
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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