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Febbraio 2025
7 Febbraio 2008
The Department of International Development has launched a new £4m fund to improve financial education in Africa
di Alpha communication
Marks & Spencer and Oxfam have launched the M&S and Oxfam Clothes Exchange, a big programme in the UK to encourage consumers to recycle their clothes
6 Febbraio 2008
Spark is an innovative project calling for social enterprises to submit innovative project in tackling or preventing homelessness
4 Febbraio 2008
Phil Hope, the Minister for the Third Sector, called for more local authorities to procure from social enterprises
The European Ombudsman has explained the importance of NGOs in reporting cases of maladministration in the EU institutions
3 Febbraio 2008
Futurebuilders fund support third sector organisations to develop their capacity to deliver better public services
29 Gennaio 2008
Interview with Lizzie Cole, the Head of Student Volunteering
23 Gennaio 2008
NESTA is looking for innovative ideas and new approaches from non profit groups that will help to reduce the carbon emissions of communities
The conference is addressed to people from community groups, voluntary organisations, the public sector and partnerships
16 Gennaio 2008
The treaty will recognise for the first time the position of civil society
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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