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Marzo 2025
26 Maggio 2010
Interview with Marie-Louise Bang, director of the Stelios Foundation on its Cyprus-based activities.
di Alissa Evans
20 Aprile 2010
Thanks to the following people for their priceless contributions: Barbara Erõs, Project Manager and Advisor at the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights, Budapest Barbara Eros, a cultural anthropologist, is the strategic program officer of the Foundation for Development of...
16 Aprile 2010
Il partito conservatore dato per vincente. Gruppi estremisti alle soglie del parlamento. E una società civile contagiata da virus anti democratici. Un esperto racconta...
14 Aprile 2010
Barbara Eros is a cultural anthropologist active in the Hungarian third sector. She is currently the strategic program officer of the Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet Hungary), doing lobby and advocacy work for international development matters in Hungary....
13 Aprile 2010
Interview with Peter Nizak of Open Society Budapest on the state of Hungarian civil society
Peter Nizak, 44, defines himself as a Community Developer. Active in the Hungarian third sector since the political change from Communism to Democracy in 1990, he was director of the Soros Foundation – Hungary until its offices were shut down...
8 Aprile 2010
Carving out a new role for the third sector in times of crisis
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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