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Marzo 2025
5 Novembre 2014
Antonio went on an internship with AIESEC: read his story.
di AIESEC Italia
6 Ottobre 2014
Andrea went on a volunteering internship with AIESEC: read his story.
22 Settembre 2014
Volunteering internship with AIESEC: read Simone’s story.
22 Marzo 2013
It’s called Italian Youth Voice Award and it is an AIESEC Italy award enabling young people to choose the Italian personality that they feel represents them most.
23 Luglio 2012
“Six weeks are enough to change a person’s life and a whole future”. Read Martina Fratter’s AIESEC internship experience.
21 Giugno 2012
Volunteering internship: read Arianna’s story
21 Settembre 2011
Are you ready?
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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