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Febbraio 2025
3 Ottobre 2006
On September 28-29 in Cracow, the first so called Polish fair of social economy took place
di Agnieszka Rymsza
2 Ottobre 2006
How the current Polish government tries to weaken the nonprofit sector
28 Settembre 2006
The international conference: Third Sector-Cvil Society-Government Policy, was held in Warsaw on 25-26 September 2006
12 Luglio 2006
Parliamentary groups support the advocacy efforts of NGOs who fight for the rights of the marginalized and other causes.
4 Luglio 2006
Two trends: imitate the Italian model of cooperatives- type B, with the significant level of government financing or to aspire to self-financing as the British and Scottish social firms.
29 Maggio 2006
Agnieszka Rymsza of the Synapsis Foundation, reports on the situation of welfare state in Poland and the main challenges that need to be faced: from the devolution to the role of the third system
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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