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Febbraio 2025
14 Marzo 2007
They rely more and more on the support of grant-makers from business and government sectors, reflecting in their work and activities the priorities of their funders
di Agnieszka Rymsza
12 Marzo 2007
One of the aims of the program is to share the best practices within the support system and to improve the cooperation between the government and nongovernmental sectors
12 Febbraio 2007
Agnieszka Rymsza propones an analysis of the impact of the E.U. funding as it emerges from a recent study on polish third sector
10 Febbraio 2007
A debate to come on 28th February at the polish Parliament will gather policy makers and experts fighting against social exclusion
11 Gennaio 2007
In the frame of european EQUAL programme the country is facing an important crossroads regarding the future of its third sector
18 Dicembre 2006
Limitations and structural obstacles to health sector at european level
9 Dicembre 2006
Do the assumptions for the Act really represent the assumptions of social economy?
4 Novembre 2006
The research shows that according to Polish entrepreneurs the EQUAL program, against its assumptions, does not have to promote entrepreneurial attitudes
28 Ottobre 2006
Controversies over a legislation proposal to take away from organizations of public benefit the right to conduct commercial activities
15 Ottobre 2006
How to pays off more to discard food than to give it away
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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