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Febbraio 2025
2 Dicembre 2007
Great gala of integration, an event to celebrate the international day for people with disabilities, a huge success all round. Guest of honour Donald Tusk
di Agnieszka Rymsza
23 Ottobre 2007
The victory, on Sunday 21st October, for Polands pro-EU party, the Civic Platform is good news for the Polish third sector. Record number of voters also shows a strong civil society
15 Ottobre 2007
The biggest event concerning social economy in Poland: discussions, study visits and fair. The 2nd Nationwide Social Economy Meeting to be held in Warsaw October 18 20
Rally in front of the European Parliament to defend the rights of people with disabilities. While the 1 million 4 disability campaign was a success, the rally was less so ...
12 Settembre 2007
The third ever public hearing to take place in Poland discussed the amendment of the most important act regulating the functioning of the nonprofit sector in Poland
16 Luglio 2007
Although the demands for pay rises are legitimate the question of where the resources will come from remains. In the meantime a tent city resisted in front of the PM's office for 27 days in protest
An EDF campaign aims to collect one million signatures in favour of rights for the disabled under the slogan "sign for disability rights. Act today for a better tomorrow"
24 Giugno 2007
Warsaw's streets were closed last week as crowds cycled to raise funds for a new centre for the autistic
13 Maggio 2007
Recent studies show that 4% of organizations accumulate up to 80% of the total revenues of the Polish nonprofit sector
8 Aprile 2007
April is the month of numerous campaigns and actions that Polish NGOs of the public benefit status organize to fight for 1% of citizens tax liabilities
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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