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Febbraio 2025
14 Gennaio 2010
NGOs' complicated rapport with Public Administration
di Agnieszka Rymsza
8 Gennaio 2009
Building the corporate social responsibility image of the PriceWaterhouseCoopers firm
21 Dicembre 2008
Decentralization, one of the main priorities of the current Polish government, is about to revolutionise the way non profit organisations work.
24 Ottobre 2008
The government embraces the principle of subsidiarity, but according to civil society it is for the wrong reasons...
8 Settembre 2008
An act designed by a third sector organisation to bring equal opportunities to people with disability has highlighted the divides within the Polish third sector, obscuring the needs of those it seeks to help.
25 Maggio 2008
A Polish delegation of policy makers and NGOs in France to build best practices in the field of autism. The goal? To create a national assistance system modelled on the French experience
9 Aprile 2008
The 3 year Equal program has ended in Poland. Civil societys balance? That the legal framework is weak and may not contribute to the full strengthening of the nations social economy
3 Febbraio 2008
A committee for cooperation with non prfoit organisations created in 2007 by the government is looked as with doubt by civil society, who claim it is another empty political move ...
27 Gennaio 2008
How beneficial are private-social partnerships really? Most people support them, praising their all round benefits. But are they not just another marketing strategy?
5 Gennaio 2008
The government has changed its 1% tax donation mechanism following the 2006 flop in taxpayer support. But the debate over the mechanism's pros and cons has not been dampened
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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