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Febbraio 2025
7 Aprile 2008
Acevo CEO Stephen Bubb gives us the inside story to the Progressive government summit hosted in London 4th - 5th April, and reveals what role the third sector is to play in future governance
di Acevo
21 Febbraio 2008
UK's civil society generates £109bn a year, making it bigger than either the electricity, gas and water industries combined or the hotel and restaurant sector, according to the NCVO
8 Ottobre 2007
Euclid reports on their three day leadership development workshop in Lisbon. What emerged was the fundamental value of leadership development to third sector growth.
26 Settembre 2007
Filippo Addarii, of Acevo, reports on a study visit in Beijing aiming to discover the local third sector
10 Luglio 2007
Japanese third sector leadership in 2007: Acevo recounts a weeks research project in Tokyo carried out with the support of the Daiwa Foundation
11 Giugno 2007
Tony Blair has hosted a reception for leaders from the third sector to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Acevo. Read the Prime Minister's remarks.
2 Marzo 2007
Beyond public service reform. Nick Aldridge (acevo) collects opinions and data to understand how wellbeing policies could work in modern societies
11 Febbraio 2007
100 third sector leaders from across Europe will gather in Paris on 16 March to launch Euclid, the first European network of third sector leaders
This article looks at examples of leadership in France, China and Nigeria, and explores themes that can be applied to a UK context
18 Dicembre 2006
It aims to improve commissioning, public services for users and to develop standard contracts in key delivery areas
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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