Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1-6 August 2013, Caux, Switzerland, Learning to live in a multicultural world
9 August 2013, London, UK, Measuring Social Impact Masterclass
12-30 August 2013, 9 European cities, Startup Rally
14 August 2013, Berlin, Germany, SenseDrink Berlin
18-23 August 2013, London, UK, INTECOL 2013
21 August 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, Enterprise Search Survey 2013 Results + Text analytics
22 August 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Crash course for social start-ups
26-28 August 2013, Helsinki, Finland, Work, Wellbeing and Wealth: Active Ageing at Work
26-29 August 2013, Malmö, Sweden, ACSI 2013 in Malmö
27 August 2013, London, UK, Social enterprise: poverty and regeneration
27 August 2013, Edinburgh, UK, Going for growth: unlocking potential
29 August 2013, Edinburgh, UK, Funding for small Arts Organisations
29-31 August 2013, Alpbach, Austria, Built Environment Symposium In Alpbach
1-6 August 2013, Caux, Switzerland
Learning to live in a multicultural world
The overarching theme of the conference is:“ Moving forward towards an inclusive multicultural Europe through Intergenerational Dialogue”. Intergenerational issues manifest in different ways across and between diaspora and host communities. However it is young people across the board who will inherit the legacy left to them by current events.
The conference invites participants to bring their visions, experience, questions, and concerns to the table. The exchange of good practice between generations and across the public, private and voluntary sectors is an essential part of this process. By engaging in the conference participants will deepen their understanding of the issues at hand, review their practical visions, challenge obstacles and move to action.
9 August 2013, London, UK
Measuring Social Impact Masterclass
This training is for organizations who want to develop a framework, reporting process and system for measuring the social and economic impact of their projects.
This workshop will cover the following topics: Defining your aims and objectives; Defining outputs and outcomes; Methods of capturing evaluation data; Producing social impact materials; Designing a comprehensive client management and social reporting system
12-30 August 2013, 9 European cities
Startup Rally
Startup Rally aims to break local tech bubbles and build a bridge between startup communities in various cities to help them exchange experiences and learn from one another. Moreover, startups will meet industry leaders to get their advise and investors to pitch to them, meaning they can multiply by 9 their chances to get the sought after investment from angels, VCs, and incubators. All of this in 19 days!
In other words, it's a series of events running across 9 European cities with buzzing startup scene- London,Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Zurich and Paris.
14 August 2013, Berlin, Germany
SenseDrink Berlin
SenseDrinks are informal meetings for social entrepreneurship enthusiasts, organized by MakeSense and happening in Berlin every second Wednesday of the month.
MakeSense is a worldwide open movement that connects social entrepreneurs with people who have the skills to solve their challenges.
18-23 August 2013, London, UK
The 11th INTECOL Congress, Ecology: Into the next 100 years will be held in London as part of the centenary celebrations of the British Ecological Society. The theme of the Congress, which will attract 2000 of the world’s leading academic ecologists and key policy-makers, is advancing ecology and making it count, and will present world class ecological science that will truly move the science forward.
21 August 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
Enterprise Search Survey 2013 Results + Text analytics
A post-work meeting to get the newest results of the Enterprise Search Survey, plus get an understanding of the possibilities within text analytics today.
The Enterprise Search Survey aims at giving an overview of the benefits, problems and trends within enterprise search. The survey was conducted for the first time last year with more than 170 companies participating worldwide and came up with many interesting findings. By going to this presentation participants will get information to benchmark their company with best in class, plus get insights on how to get the most business value out from an enterprise search solution.
22 August 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Crash course for social start-ups
The Hub Amsterdam is organizing a business modeling workshop for social and sustainable ventures. This crash course is aimed at who has a business idea, but not yet figured out the model. Or at who is running a social enterprise but is looking for support from his/her peers. Start-up founders will get feedback and learn from fellow changemakers and entrepreneurs.
26-28 August 2013, Helsinki, Finland
Work, Wellbeing and Wealth: Active Ageing at Work
This international symposium is organized by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH).
The vision of "an active life while ageing" is becoming one of the major social challenges in Europe. The European Union has launched the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) ”More Years, Better Lives – the Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change" in order to make a full impact assessment and development of appropriate answers to the upcoming demographic challenges. Among its five focus areas a research agenda on "Work and Productivity" is under preparation.
The aim of the international conference is to bring together researchers, experts and European networks in the area and to present and discuss the major research and development needs and solutions.
26-29 August 2013, Malmö, Sweden
ACSI 2013 in Malmö
Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation ACSI is a new generation innovation agenda. This global platform for societal innovation brings together innovators, field practitioners, researchers, entrepreneurs and students from all over the world to co-create and test new and promising ideas to address societal challenges.
The international and multi-disciplinary group of participants will work with real life challenges from various sectors during the 4-day camp in August, take away promising prototypes to test them in real life situations, and reconvene in mid-October to draw conclusions about moving from prototypes to practice. Challenges are based on this year’s theme: Sustainable Urban Development. Approximately 100 participants will take part in ACSI 2013.
ACSI offers a powerful solution-seeking environment to work on real societal challenges. It provides participants with a unique international, innovation context, opportunities to sharpen their thinking and innovation skills, and challenges for personal and professional development. Participants work with partners from different parts of the world, develop new networks and create possibilities for future cooperation.
27 August 2013, London, UK
Social enterprise: poverty and regeneration
As we go through a period of hardship and austerity then what role can social enterprise make in regenerating our economic life and giving us hope? This meet up will look at how social enterprise has helped create social change and brought back opportunity to many through social and economic regeneration.
Social Enterprises are considered vital in delivering critical public services, working with the unemployed and driving economic regeneration so local authorities are working on strategies to promote and enhance social enterprise.
27 August 2013, Edinburgh, UK
Going for growth: unlocking potential
This day is directed at women entrepreneurs with growth aspiration. Investing Women, a growing community of women angel investors, who are organizing the event, want to start the process of unlocking the mind-set, which will help build a sense of personal value as well as business growth potential. Much of the day will be about “investor readiness” but they will approach it from some different angles. The day will cover: Recognizing our value: key to unlocking growth potential; The importance of team development; What is an investable company?; How do investors decide to invest?; Why seek additional financing?; Alternative financing sources for early and growth companies; An effective pitch: the elements of a successful angel pitch; Pitch perfect: a volunteer group of women entrepreneurs pitch to judges and small audience groups; receive expert feedback and coaching to fine tune their pitches; Building a great board and the importance of advisors; Exit alternatives.
29 August 2013, Edinburgh, UK
Funding for small Arts Organisations
This Seminar is a chance for arts organizations or groups to hear from those who understand the funding picture for arts organizations and to meet other people from similar backgrounds to share and exchange knowledges.
The Programme will include: speakers from Voluntary Arts Scotland who will talk about some of the resources available to ensure arts groups can apply for funding more effectively; Foundation Scotland will talk about its role, what funders are looking for and some of the funds which might be of interest to small arts groups; funding specialists from City of Edinburgh Council will provide a local perspective in terms of Community Planning and Community Grants; a representative from Run Native, an e-commerce project hosted by Community Enterprise, will talk about how arts projects can use enterprise to generate funding, give examples of projects generating an online income, access to free tools to help you and the role of social media.
29-31 August 2013, Alpbach, Austria
Built Environment Symposium In Alpbach
Cities are the centers of modern people’s lives. Consequently, they are subject to continual change. For decades, city development has focused on the constant increase of the population and thus on factors which made our cities grow. Today, the phenomenon of shrinking cities and the question of how to deal with the space, the infrastructure and the people there are becoming more relevant.
Based on European and US examples, the Alpbach Built Environment Symposium will discuss the two phenomena of growing and shrinking cities: What are the risks and opportunities of growing and shrinking cities? Which framework is necessary for the development of a city and its surroundings? Who is entitled to use the (regained) public space, and how do we deal with historical cities? Which instruments does politics require in order to meet the needs of growing and shrinking cities?
Experts from the areas of planning, research, architecture and politics will discuss these questions and share their ideas concerning the development of our cities. Additionally, a Science Slam will provide young scientists with an opportunity to present their concepts for a sustainable city.
Cosa fa VITA?
Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.