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Athens to host Special Olympics
Only 150 days until the official start of the international sporting event for people with disabilities
di Staff

The countdown to the Special Olympics world summer games has begun. In 150 days Athens will be welcoming athletes from 185 countries. More than 7 thousand athletes with disabilities who will, over the course of the event, compete not just to win against each other but also against those who would exclude them because of their diversity.
“These are the only games in the world where all participating athletes are winners,” says the Special Olympics website, “winners in their struggle for our respect in their diversity, winners in their struggle for self-esteem, winners in their struggle to defend their special abilities”.
The summer games kick off on June 25 and will, over the course of two weeks, see the athletes competing in 22 different sports. Supporting the athletes will be 19 thousand volunteers and 40 thousand family members, friends and coaches.
“In a bleak environment, we always need a rainbow. Our athletes will become this rainbow of joy and optimism for the world,” said Joanna Despotopoulou, president of the Greek organizing committee of the games. For first time since the birth of the Special Olympics movement in 1968, a long series of parallel events, such as the Global Youth Activation summit for youth with and without intellectual disabilities, will be held. The idea is to boost awareness of the abilities of the almost 200 million people with special needs living in the world today.
The budget of the Games stands at 73 million euros and organisers also hope the event may contribute to the ailing economy.
The next step to look forward to is the lighting of the “Flame of Faith, Love and Hope” on June 9 at the archaeological site of Pnika, opposite the Acropolis hill. In the meantime you start learn the words to the Special Olympics anthem, written by Greek pop group Onirama. “When the world seems grey and small… when you are afraid to be different, listen to your heart…”.
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