Asia: AI reports post cyclone abuses
A month from the cyclone that devastated much of southern Myanmar, Amnesty International has released a report that accuses the Burmese military junta of misusing international aid
di Staff
A month from the cyclone that devastated much of southern Myanmar, leading international human rights advocacy group Amnesty International (AI) has released a report that accuses the Burmese military junta of misusing international aid and forcing cyclone victims out of emergency shelters.
In a report titled Myanmar Briefing: Human rights concerns a month after Cyclone Nargis, AI said that the ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) began evicting homeless cyclone survivors from government and unofficial relief camps after it declared an end to the rescue and relief phase of its disaster response on May 20.
The report also details cases of local officials ?obstructing or misusing aid.? Despite statements against such conduct by senior leaders, corruption continues to go unpunished, according to the report.
The group said that it had received over 40 reports or accounts of aid being confiscated by government officials, diverted or withheld instead of being handed to cyclone survivors.
AI?s Burma researcher, Benjamin Zawacki, said that the report aims to alert the donor community of ongoing human right abuses and ?ideally, to ensure that they will stop.?
The main human rights concern after the cyclone was displacement in the affected areas, he said.
Zawacki also said that claims by the United Nations that its agencies had provided relief goods to one million survivors needed to be put into context.
?Even if it is correct that one million people have been reached, that simply means that they have received some formal assistance.
?That doesn?t necessarily mean that it has been comprehensive or sufficient. Some formal assistance?that could be a single bottle of water for a single person,? he said. He also noted that more than 2.4 million were affected by the cyclone.
?So even if the UN?s one million figure is correct, that is still less than half of all the people who need to have assistance,? he said. ?That is a really huge concern, as it shows that access to the Irrawady delta is still not what it should be.?
Zawacki described the arrest of Burmese comedian Maung Thura, also known as Zarganar, on Thursday as a ?message of intimidation? directed at political activists. ?By detaining him, the SPDC is seeking to send the message that political dissidents and people who are politically active should not be involved,? the AI researcher said.
He added that by arresting Zarganar, the junta was contradicting an announcement it made on May 27, when it declared that individual donor were free to carry out relief work.
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