Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
2-3 April 2012, Rome, Italy, TransEuropaExpress –The Europe of Young People-Ideas-projects-Results
2-3 April 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Put your money where your mouth is –Pymwymic Impact Days
2-3 April 2012, Barcelona, Spain, Euro Mediterranean Conference 2012 on Research and Innovation
3 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium, European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
4 April 2012, Paris, France, Atelier européen- It’s Our Community
5 April 2012, Paris, France, Spring School of the CJDES
7 April 2012, worldwide, World Health day
11 April 2012, Paris, France , Combining economic performance and social impact
15 April 2012, Competition: The Mont-Blanc Meeting Prize
16 April 2012, Brussels,Belgium, Changing images of old age – Changing the learning paradigm
19 April 2012, online, from 9 to 13, Digital communications and campaigning for charities
19-22 April 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 12th AWID international forum on women’s rights and development
20 April 2012, London, UK, Commissioning for Maximum Value
24 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium, CECOP conference- Social cooperatives in Europe and the Social Business Initiative
25 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium, The Social And Solidarity Economy In The European Union – A Green Programme Beyond The Crises’
27 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium, Enterprise 2020 Conference: Social Innovation as a lever for growth and sustainability
2-3 April 2012, Rome, Italy
TransEuropaExpress 2012
TransEuropaExpress 2012-L’Europa dei giovani idee progetti risultati (TransEurope Express 2012-Europe of young people ideas projects results) is a European cultural workshop, conceived and promoted by Casa delle Letterature.
The workshop, this year at its seventh edition, will present some of the best ideas and projects realized by young people in the European Union.
The aim is to stimulate new generations, showing practical examples of enterprises developed on the basis of innovative ideas.
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2-3 April 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Put your money where your mouth is -Pymwymic Impact Days
Pymwymic Impact Days is Europe’s most inspiring and focused gathering for the groundswell movement of people making positive impact with their capital. We don’t just talk: together, we help fund companies changing the world. Join the (extra)ordinary people making the new economy – inspiring entrepreneurs and next-gen thought leaders, experienced impact investors and new business angels who are together increasing the flow of capital to good. Come and focus on the future: be inspired by new models, find partnerships, participate in positive possibilities arising in Europe, and around the world.
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2-3 April 2012, Barcelona, Spain
Euro Mediterranean Conference 2012 on Research and Innovation
The historical changes taking place in the Southern Mediterranean region since December 2010 call for a focused, innovative and ambitious response from the European Union. Throughout 2011, the European Commission has established the Neighbourhood countries of the European Union as a key priority and has developed a new strategy, which can be found in two Joint Communications of the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (COM (2011) 200 and COM (2011) 303).
Research and Innovation play a major role in promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation. The development of a Common Knowledge and Innovation Space (CKIS) linked to smart growth and the EU’s Innovation Agenda is one of the aims of the new strategy of the EU. The CKIS is meant to cover policy dialogue, national and regional capacity-building, cooperation in research and innovation, increased mobility opportunities for students, researchers and academics.
In this context, a high-level conference is being held by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation DG, in consultation with other departments, the European Parliament, the EU Member States and the Mediterranean countries. The main objectives are:
To define the objectives and main elements of a medium to long term agendaof Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in Research and Innovation based on the views of leading scientists and senior policy makers as well as the experience gained from ongoing initiatives.
To promote a process of coordination between the European Commission, EU Member States and Mediterranean policies and programmes with the aim of enhancing the scientific capacities of the Mediterranean countries, increasing the impact and coherence of initiatives in the region as well as underlining the values of mutual respect, reciprocity and partnership.
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3 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
The Conference “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: From Plan to Action” will be opened by Vice-President Neelie Kroes and Commissioner John Dalli. The Steering Group of the pilot Innovation Partnership, the European Commission and a plethora of stakeholders in the field of active ageing will together discuss how to move from the planning phase – delivered with the Strategic Implementation Plan – to implementing concrete actions.
The Conference represents a major opportunity for stakeholders who are willing to put the plan into action. During the conference, they will have the opportunity to meet each other, express their interest in one or more areas of active and healthy ageing and discover common interests.
The main areas for debate will include how innovative thinking and smarter use of innovation can help address the socio-demographic challenge of ageing, how to turn this challenge into an opportunity and demonstrate the added value of the European Innovation Partnership. Real life examples of innovation in this field will be displayed in the exhibition open to all throughout the conference.
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4 April 2012, Paris, France
Atelier européen- It’s Our Community
It’s Our Community studies and compares how groups of citizens and individuals in Europe act socially and take ownership of public services or services of general interest, including in the UK, France, Portugal and Germany. The project analyses good practices in the four partner countries and will create a practical guide and European proposals. The case studies are from what are called in France the ‘social and solidarity economy’, or ‘third sector’ or ‘voluntary services’ in Europe.
The aim of this workshop is to aid the research project ‘It’s Our Community’. This project is run by two British organizations (the Big Society and NCVO) and the research is carried out by partner organizations in the UK, France, Portugal and Germany. In France, it’s the League of Education which will carry out of the research. Our work seeks to highlight practical advice on the challenges and opportunities faced by groups and citizens in Europe. This workshop will bring together representatives from three French study projects and researchers and actors from each partner country.
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5 April 2012, Paris, France
Spring School of the CJDES
TheCJDES (Centre des Jeunes, des Dirigeants, des Acteurs de l’Economie Sociale- Centre of Young People, Managers, Social Economy Actors) ) organizes its annual Spring School on the following theme:
“ What are the opportunities for a reaffirmed social economy? or the ability of the social economy to be an alternative economic and social model.”
The works of the Spring School will develop into three round tables:
– Social Economy sets the basis for a different model of development: concrete testimonies on tracks of renewal and innovation
– Social Economy and social entrepreneurship: diverging or complementary projects?
– CSR: a trap for social economy due to trivializing or a lever for a reaffirmation of identity?
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7 April 2012, worldwide
World Health day
Every year, everywhere, World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 to mark the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The theme for World Health Day 2012 is “Ageing and health”, and it will provide an opportunity for organizations and individuals worldwide to showcase solutions to population ageing, putting health at the core.
Organizations, cities, communities and individuals around the world are invited to celebrate in 2012 the contribution of older women and men on World Health Day through events and other activities.
Various local, national and international events will take place to educate the public and policy-makers on the issue of ageing.
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11 April 2012, Paris, France
Combining economic performance and social impact
The Comptoir de l’Innovation and SOCAP are hosting the meeting of the impact investing actors .
The goal of the Comptoir de L Innovation is to promote investment in social enterprises, and contribute to the establishment of Paris as a pioneer of the social business and impact investment market.
During the evening many impact investing experts will contribute to a better understanding of the market, including H.S.H Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein (CEO of LGT Group), Peter L. Scher (executive vice president of JPMorgan Chase & Co), and social entrepreneurs from 5 continents. Participants will have the possibility to meet with entrepreneurs and innovators who develop innovative economic models to solve social and environmental issues, thus combining financial performance and social impact.
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15 April 2012
Competition: The Mont-Blanc Meeting Prize
Are you leading a social economy initiative? Your project approach is in line with a sustainable development aiming economic, social and environmental sustainability ?
The deadline for the Mont-Blanc Meeting Prize 2012 candidatures tender is postponed to April 15th, 2012 ! Candidates’ file is downloadable on line at
Two prizewinners will get a respective amount of 15 000 Euros and 10 000 Euros!
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16 April 2012, Brussels,Belgium
Changing images of old age – Changing the learning paradigm
The aim of this public hearing is to hear the views of decision makers, stakeholders and interested parties – in particular organizations working with elderly people – on the theme Changing images of old age – Changing the learning paradigm.
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19 April 2012, online, from 9 to 13
Digital communications and campaigning for charities
Building relationships using social media
It can be hard to get noticed in a busy digital space but effective campaigns need to have impact. This half day seminar will enable you plan, implement and manage your online campaign to maximum effect. It will give you practical advice on how to get the most out of popular social media websites as well as help you define your target audience. This event is a must for anyone needing to plan a campaign to create relationships with supporters to champion your long-term aims.
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19-22 April 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
12th AWID international forum on women’s rights and development:
Transforming Economic Power to advance Women’s Rights and Justice
The 2012 AWID Forum aims to explore how economic power is impacting on women and the planet, and to facilitate connections among the very diverse groups working on these issues from both human rights and justice approaches, so that together we contribute to stronger, more effective strategies to advance women’s rights and justice.
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20 April 2012, London, UK
Commissioning for Maximum Value
This training course, based on a “Guide to Commissioning for Maximum Value“, LGA 2012, written by The SROI Network, will offer some underpinning principles and ways of looking at social value to bring clarity to a complex field. It offers a chance to try out some of the professional practices around understanding, measuring and valuing outcomes. It presents the Commissioning for Maximum Value model, a flexible approach to guide the difficult professional judgments that commissioners make.
The course is suitable for those working in a commissioning team and the English Public Sector in any role (finance, community consultation, policy, heads of service and others), particularly those teams responsible for commissioning relational public services.
The course will cover the following topics:
– Introduction to what is meant by social value and SROI
– Scene setting on commissioning practice and cycles
– Using parts of the SROI method and principles to account for value
– A model for “Commissioning for maximum value”
– Further resources and opportunities to develop professional practice.
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24 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium
CECOP conference- Social cooperatives in Europe and the Social Business Initiative
This conference will be a contribution to the celebration of the United Nations proclaimed International Year of Cooperatives and of the European Cooperative Week, but it will be also the occasion to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Italian Law on Social Cooperatives and the 10th anniversary of the French law on Collective Interest Cooperative Societies.
In the CECOP network, social cooperatives are above 9.000 enterprises providing jobs to over 250.000 people, including more than 25.000 disadvantaged people, and providing social services to hundreds of thousands of EU citizens.
According to the World Standards of Social Cooperatives approved in November 2011, social cooperatives are characterized by a general interest mission as their primary purpose and by the systematic reinvestment of profits into this mission, while sharing the common characteristics of cooperatives such as democratic control over the enterprise by the very stakeholders. Three weeks before, the European Commission Communication on a Social Business Initiative singled out similar characteristics for social enterprises: social objective, common good as a reason, profits to be reinvested in the social objective, democratic management.
Hence, the purpose of the conference is to show how, and to what extent, social cooperatives have been implemented the contents of the Social Business Initiative for several decades already. Concrete experience from five EU countries – Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Poland, will be presented. Together with representatives from the European institutions, we will try to find out which EU policies within the framework of the Social Business Initiative could best contribute to the promotion of the social cooperative phenomenon as an actor at the service of EU citizens.
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27 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Enterprise 2020 Conference: Social Innovation as a lever for growth and sustainability
CSR Europe’s Enterprise 2020 conference, to be hosted by Solvay, will showcase a range of key note speakers on the topic of business social innovation as a lever for growth and sustainability.
This event will give the opportunity to:
– Gain some practical examples of how companies have embraced social innovation as a successful business strategy
– Discover the common ‘red threads’ and how collaboration can help scale up their impact
– Engage in dialogue with company and EU representatives on societal trends, environmental priorities and the European CSR agenda to find cooperation opportunities
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