Albania: NGOs react to emergency in Tirana
Local civil soicety organisations have set out an action plan to react to the emergency caused by explosions that have affected more than 4,000 people.
di Staff
After the explosions and the following catastrophe near the capital of Albania, Tirana, where a series of huge explosions at an arms dump has affected more than 4000 people, causing injury to of more than 300 people and the death of 16 people in the village Gerdec, representatives of civil society in Albania have responded to the crises by agreeing a set of measures that will take immediate effect.
The Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania (CRCA) called a coordination meeting of Albanian civil society organisations, which was attended by more than 20 major national-organisations. The aim of the meeting it was to coordinate the actions of civil society in respond to the needs of the victims of the blasts and at the same time to ask the Government to be transparent and take responsibility of what happened.
After many discussions that took place in the meeting, the representatives of the civil society decided to take the following measures:
1. Establish a coalition of NGO's and civil society organisations under the name: Civil Action for Solidarity and Responsibility. A Coordination Team was also established and it will be responsible for coordinating the information with all civil society organisations in Albania that wish to help the victims of the catastrophe.
2. Hold a press conference tomorrow noon at 12.00 and ask publicly the Government of Albania to take full reasonability, be accountable and transparent about the events that took place in the village of Gerdec, Tirana.
3. Hold a Manifestation in Solidarity with the victims of the blasts on Saturday 12.00 noon, which corresponds with the time when the blasts happen at the village of Gerdec.
4. Coordinate with relevant organisations such as Albanian Red Cross to provide food, clothing and sanitary items to all the surviving victim of the blasts hosted in governmental premises of Durres.
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