Albania: Coalition on Violence Against Children
The Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania (CRCA) reports on the establishment of a new coalition on violence against children in Albania
di Staff
Tirana 19 September 2007 – The Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania (CRCA) one of the major civil-society organisations in Albania in cooperation with other governmental and non-governmental organisations initiated today the establishment of a new coalition on violence against children. The new network will hold the name "Coalition on Violence Against Children in Albania" and will be open for both public institutions and civil society organisations throughout the country.
In the first coordination meeting of the major actors in the area of child abuse, neglect and exploitation, took part representatives of major NGO's in Albania, including Ministry of Labour and Police Authority. All the participants agreed that there was a need to establish a coordination network of NGO's and Government to offer better services and protection to children who survive violence and abuse.
Among the major common agreements taken in the first meeting it was to start working on the preparation of a Code of Conduct on child abuse cases, while a second group will work on the preparation and presentation of a law for the elimination of child abuse, neglect and exploitation.
The Coalition will be open for all organisations and institutions that deal with child abuse, neglect and exploitation in Albania, while promote the improvement of standards of care and protection for children. Also it was agreed that a memorandum of understanding to be signed in the next Coalition meeting between all the members.
The Children?s Human Rights Centre of Albania ? CRCA, is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit organisation. The mission of CRCA is the protecting and developmnet of children?s rights in Albania based to the standards and principals of the Convention for the Rights of the Child of UN.
This article was written by the Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania – CRCA and published with their permission.
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