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Albania: Civil society condemns violence
Rights organizations issue public statement demanding that a solution to violence be found
A group of Albanian human rights and civil society organizations, in a joint public statement, demanded from political parties in Albania to sit down and find a sustainable solution for the situation after the opposition demonstrations of January 21, fearing new escalation and bloodshed.
“So far, we have three killed and dozens of injured citizens. That is a price that Albania and Albanians didn’t deserve to pay. We express our sincere condolences to the families of the three people killed in the protests. We demand quick and professional investigation of the killing of unarmed civilians and excessive use of violence by members of the Police and the National Guard”, CSOs say in the statement.
The CSOs invite political actors in the country to denounce the language of conflict and to take urgent steps to find lasting solution for the tense situation.
“We appeal to the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition to sit down immediately and come out with concrete solutions. We are convinced this is the highest time to engage in serious dialogue to find new political consensus in Albania”, they say.
The associations expressed there concerns over the presence of children in the protests and appealed to all parents and political parties to not allow for children to be present in political rallies and to take care about the physical safety of children.
“The situation demand from the whole civil society to rise from the apathy and to accept the key role it should play in a democratic society, in a country that is member of NATO and aims to join the European Union”, say the organisations that endorsed the statement.
The joint statement was signed by the Albanian Human Rights Group; the Open Society Foundation Albania; the Independent Forum of Albanian Women; the Albanian Helsinki Committee; the PINK Embassy; Counselling Line for Women and Girls; the Centre for Legal Civil Initiatives; Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania (CRCA); Gender Alliance for Development Centre; the Refleksione Association; Children’s Rights Research and Information Centre; ALO 116- Children Help-Line; “Useful for Albanian Women” Association; Albanian Human Rights Centre.
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