Agenda October 2014

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe

di Cristina Barbetta

Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1-3 October 2014, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, European Health Award 2014
 2-3 October 2014, Rome, Italy, Integrating Migration into Development: Diaspora as a Development Enabler
3 October 2014, Budapest, Hungary, Social Enterprise Day 2014
3 October 2014, Lille, France, 1st Symposium on Community Energy Systems 
6-9 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium,  European Commission's DG Regio OPEN DAYS 
7-8 October 2014, Milan, Italy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Innovation Show (Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale) 
 8 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium, Why investing in ICT for ageing? A regional perspective
9 October 2014, Birmingham, UK, Social Finance Fair 
 9 October 2014, London, UK, London+Acumen PITCH for social enterprise
 14 October 2014, London, UK, Down Our Way: Locally Situated Knowledge in the Global City
14-16 October 2014, Seoul, Korea, Social Enterprise World Forum 
14-16 October 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, Crowdsourcing Week 2014
14-17 October 2014, The Netherlands, International Fundraising Congress (IFC)
15-17 October 2014, Deauville, France, 2014 Women's Forum Global Meeting
17 October 2014, UK, Big Potential
17 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium, Social Innovation Day in Brussels (Journées de l’innovation sociale à Bruxelles) 
21  October 2014, London, UK, Acevo Autumn Health and Social Care Conference 2014
21 October 2014, London, UK, Fit for the future: Leading the way in Health & Care
21-24 October 2014, Berlin, Germany, Fix Europe Campus
22-23 October 2014, Paris, France, The Entrepreneurship Festiva
23 October 2014, London, UK, High Impact: Improve your charity’s performance
23 October 2014, York, UK, The Funding Landscape 2014 
28 October 2014, Plymouth, UK, Oxfam Volunteering, Fundraising and Social Enterprise
1-3 October 2014, Bad Hofgastein, Austria 
European Health Award 2014
Six cutting-edge projects are in the running for the prestigious €10,000 European Health Award 2014, sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and FOPI, which brings together Austria's research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The winner will be chosen by a panel of leading health experts, and announced during the 17th EHFG Conference, being held in the Gastein Valley from the 1st to 3rd October. The European Health Award honours initiatives aiming to improve public health or healthcare in Europe. It was established in 2007 to promote cross-border cooperation, multi-country working and the development of sustainable, innovative and transferable initiatives which address current challenges such as disparities in health status, access to services and the provision of treatment within Europe. Important criteria are that more than one European country should be involved in the project, it should show innovation and be sustainable, and that the results are transferable to other states and address a significant health threat that directly benefits a substantial portion of the population or relatively large patient groups. 
2-3 October 2014, Rome, Italy
Integrating Migration into Development: Diaspora as a Development Enabler
An international workshop on ‘Integrating Migration into Development: Diaspora as a Development Enabler' will focus on the interrelationships between migration and the three pillars of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental), and will include the contributions of migrants to development. The event is being co-organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The workshop will focus on the positive impacts of migrants and migration on development. It will feature some environmental panels that will discuss migration as an adaptation strategy.  
 3 October 2014, Budapest, Hungary
Social Enterprise Day 2014
NESsT are organizing the fourth Social Enterprise Day in Hungary in Budapest on 3 October 2014.
This is a great opportunity for practitioners, theoreticians, supporters, investors and other stakeholders in social entrepreneurship to meet, connect and share experiences. The afternoon will see three sessions running in parallel: Impact of impact measurement; Beyond the supporting ecosystem: how to get the involvement of the public and the customers; Tailor-made financing of the social enterprise sector: reality or dream in Hungary?
3 October 2014, Lille, France 
1st Symposium on Community Energy Systems: Tapping the Potential an Emerging Field for Research and Scientific Inquiry 
EMES, in partnership with the Federation of European Renewable Energy Cooperatives,, organizes this 1st Symposium aiming at encouraging the formation of an international network of scholars working on community energy systems and citizen-led initiatives, taking stock of the latest on research on the area, and identifying opportunities for future collaborations. The event will take place in parallel to a three-day meeting of the REScoop20-20-20 project in Lille (France). 
To  read more:
6-9 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium
 European Commission's DG Regio OPEN DAYS 
The European Commission's DG Regio OPEN DAYS, European Week of Regions and Cities, is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. 
The OPEN DAYS 2014 will be held under the slogan 'Growing together – Smart investment for people', with workshops addressing one of the following themes:-
– Connecting regional strategies (theme A): smart specialization, digital agenda, SME support, low-carbon economy (supported by the ERDF), training and social inclusion (supported by the ESF),boosting innovation, creativity and modernization across the European industrial sector, social inclusion (supported by the ESF); urban dimension.
— Building capacity (theme B): exchange of good practices and instruments in programme management (financial engineering, public procurement procedures, performance and impact evaluation with a stronger emphasis on transparency standards, partnership arrangements).
— Territorial cooperation (theme C): the new generation of pan-European programmes (INTERREG, URBACT, ESPON, INTERACT); international cooperation.
The OPEN DAYS foster exchange around these thematic priorities that are compulsory for each region between 2014-2020. There is also the opportunity to explore new instruments such as Integrated Territorial Investments and Community-led Local Development, financial instruments, the new European Territorial Cooperation programmes and the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-regional Strategy to be adopted during the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
7-8 October 2014, Milan, Italy 
Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Innovation Show (Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale) 
The Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Innovation Show (Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale)   is the most important event in Italy dedicated to the evolution of CSR towards more sustainable and innovative scenarios. It revolves around the opportunities offered by social innovation and the urgency to network between aware social actors. 110 organizations attended the first edition, that featured 64 events with 200 speakers, 3000 visitors, 80 journalists, over 400 news agencies, televisions and the web. The Show is promoted by the University Bocconi of Milan, CSR Management Network, Unioncamere, Alliance of the Italian Cooperatives (Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane), Sodalitas Foundation (Fondazione Sodalitas) and Koinètica. The show, this year at its second edition, will focus on:
–  Collaborative processes: co-design, sharing economy, crowdfunding, co working, crowd sourcing, business p2p, stakeholder engagement are some of the topics at the centre of the cultural programme. 
– 15 years of CSR: How Corporate Social Responsibility has contributed to a change in the relationships between enterprises and their stakeholders, how it has encouraged organizations to innovate and innovate themselves, how it has produces a positive energy aimed at looking at new solutions to old problems. 
8 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium 
Why investing in ICT for ageing? A regional perspective
This event aims at connecting regional strategies on social inclusion, boosting innovation and creativity in ways to promote and keep the well being of an ageing society. An interactive session facilitates a lively exchange of experience, good practices and opinions among representatives of local and regional authorities and with ICT industry representatives in particular on relevant policies, implementations of such policies as well as financing through new business models and innovative procurement of ICT based solutions for ageing well. An increased mutual understanding between the different stakeholders’ points of view regarding needs, use and procurement in this area is the main outcome expected. 
9 October 2014, Birmingham, UK 
Social Finance Fair 
Bringing Social Finance and Investment experts and providers, Social Enterprises and Social Businesses together to discuss unlocking opportunities for scale and growth in the regional economy. The event is open to participants seeking finance, investment or funding and looking to access information, support and expert advice. 
There will be keynote speakers, case studies and master classes. The event will provide attendees with the opportunity to meet Social Finance Providers as part of the  Social Finance Exhibition. 
9 October 2014, London, UK 
London+Acumen PITCH for social enterprise
Increasingly, as highlighted by Nesta’s 2014 New Radicals list released earlier this month, social ventures are playing a much larger role in the delivery of key services to our communities, mainly in sectors such as education, food, healthcare, finance and technology.
London+Acumen's PITCH competition will give participants a glimpse of the social ventures and teams that have already developed innovative ways of delivering social benefit or have the potential to be at the driving force of social change. The goal of London+Acumen’s PITCH event is to take the impact of these ventures even further through support, exposure and mentorship. 
PITCH event gives attendees the rare opportunity to meet with social entrepreneurs making global impact by addressing critical problems; get a chance to understand the social enterprise space and also explore participants’ interest in being part of or contributing to an early stage social venture.
14 October 2014, London, UK 
Down Our Way: Locally Situated Knowledge in the Global City
The ‘local’ has attained ever greater political resonance as a site of registration and resistance to globalization. This session looks at three different projects of ‘thick’ mapping in which an attempt is being made to capture the peculiarities of place at a time of accelerated structural change. With Barbara Brayshay: ‘Community Development Through Participatory Mapping’ – and Nicola Samson: ‘Capturing Women’s Voices in an East London Street’. The event is part of the second seminar series of LIVINGMAPS, which focuses on the unsettling of map/ territory relations as a result of globalization and its many local discontents. Each session brings together leading academics, artists and activists from a range of perspectives, to explore different aspects of this issue.
14-16 October 2014, Seoul, Korea    
Social Enterprise World Forum 
The 2014 programme of the Social Enterprise World Forum, that was launched in 2008,  is particularly exciting as this is the first time an Asian country has hosted Social Enterprise World Forum.  Korea is a fascinating country, with a unique history of transition from developing nation to a major international economic force.  The “can do” approach has also been applied to social enterprise, with national government policy to support and develop the sector, accreditation of social enterprises by the Social Enterprise Promotion Agency, wage subsidy for disadvantaged employees and complete clarity on the number of social enterprises in Korea (due to accreditation). This year’s host, Work Together Foundation (WT) are honored to be hosting the forum and will use this as a platform to showcase the work and impact WT and fellow social entrepreneurs in Korea are making. There is considerable interest in social entrepreneurship and the needs social entrepreneurs serve and fulfill around the world. WT aims to broaden its impact on social enterprise by connecting local social enterprises around the world, continuing to support and launch new social enterprises and projects, which serve global social needs. 80% of the delegates at SEWF 2014 will be from Asian countries where social enterprise has taken hold and is addressing significant social economic and environmental issues.  In recent years Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Singapore have accelerated their social enterprise development. Key themes during the SEWF conference will include social enterprise as an employability solution, social care and health innovations in social enterprise, as well as conference tracks dealing with social investment, social innovation, education and creating supportive social enterprise ecosystems.
14-16 October 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark 
Crowdsourcing Week 2014
Europe's crowd conference explores the best practices in crowdsourcing and the collaborative economy that are fundamentally changing society, mindsets and possibilities across all industries. The 3-day program covers actionable topics in crowdsourcing, open innovation, collaborative economy and crowdfunding that are increasingly rewriting the rules in every sector. Sessions will highlight practical expertise in crowdsourcing, educate on future and upcoming trends, and equip attendees with ideas and inspiration to drive innovation within their organizations. Crowdsourcing Week is committed to help organizations transition into a more open, connected, and socially productive society. Crowdsourcing Week focuses on how crowdsourcing can address the needs of today’s leaders to bring about meaningful change. The big, ambitious goal of the Week  is to get everyone thinking about collaborating with their stakeholders to create shared value.
14-17 October 2014, The Netherlands
International Fundraising Congress (IFC)
The International Fundraising Congress (IFC) is the world's leading conference on fundraising. Established in 1981, it attracts around 1,000 participants from over 60 countries, and is renowned for its outstanding learning and networking opportunities. Year after year, the International Fundraising Congress (IFC) brings together fundraisers from around the world and provides unparalleled learning and networking opportunities. This year’s programme is themed around creating inspiring connections between fundraisers, and between fundraisers and donors. It reflects the increasingly interconnected world we live in – culturally, politically and technologically.
15-17 October 2014, Deauville, France 
2014 Women's Forum Global Meeting
The Women’s Forum Meetings aim to bring together leaders from all over the world – women and men – representing the business world, the government, academic circles, culture, etc. in order to give new perspectives to key issues in our present and our future; to create a powerful, global network in order to strengthen the influence of women throughout the world; to draw up innovative and concrete action plans to encourage women’s contribution to society and promote diversity in the business world. This year is the 10th edition of the Women’s Forum Global Meeting. The Forum  is celebrating by bringing together a truly outstanding group of speakers — trailblazers for human rights and women’s empowerment and pioneers and new innovators in business, education, and science and technology. The aim? For participants be inspired by and discuss with these leaders about how we can contribute to more equitable economies and societies. Ours is a world where more women, in more contexts, have agency and can make a difference. Against this backdrop the agenda for the 2014 Global Meeting will be organized around three pillars, in all of which women are playing national and international leadership roles today: Addressing basic needs , including food security, energy, health, education and employment; Technology and innovation as a way to bridge inequities; Human rights and the rule of law as the comprehensive framework of core principles of universality, nondiscrimination, transparency and accountability. 
The Forum treats  the empowerment and advancement of girls and women as a global challenge across all of three pillars. And throughout the Forum concentrates on the practical and possible, showcasing stories of workable solutions on the ground in different countries and contexts.
Among the featured speakers at the 2014 Women’s Forum Global Meeting will be Christine Lagarde, who in 2011 became the first woman to hold the post of Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund; and Salma Hayek Pinault, the actress/producer who in 2013 co-founded Chime for Change, an organization dedicated to improving the education, health and welfare of women and girls around the world.
17 October 2014, UK 
Big Potential
Big Potential is a new £10m programme that helps voluntary, community and social enterprise organizations learn about social investment and start the journey to raise their first investment. They will be hosting 17 Big Potential events across the regions in England over the next three years in partnership with CAN Mezzanine, Social Investment Business and Big Potential. The event is a great opportunity to: learn about social investment; consider if social investment is suitable for your organization; learn about how Big Potential can help you start your journey; meet specialist advisors; hear stories from Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) who have benefitted from social investment.
17 October 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Social Innovation Day in Brussels (Journées de l’innovation sociale à Bruxelles) 
On the occasion of the International day for The Eradication of Poverty, which falls  on the 17th  of  October, the  Brussels Forum Against Poverty (Forum Bruxellois de Lutte contre la Pauvreté-FBLP) is organizing a day of conferences and debates on social innovation, in order to highlight the creativity and innovation of the social sector in the Brussels region and to exchange good practices. 
Through an extensive survey on social innovation, the FBLP has identified 33 projects which constitute the spearhead of social innovation in Brussels in the area of the fight against poverty. An inventory of social innovation in Brussels has been published : this day of debates and conferences will be organized starting from it. 
21 October 2014, London, UK
Acevo Autumn Health and Social Care Conference 2014
With a particular focus on the critical role of the voluntary sector in delivering the new look health and care system, the conference will discuss whether the sector has been integrated into local commissioning plans in the north. Speakers at the conference are: Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, Former Secretary of State for Health; Paul Martin OBE, CEO, Lesbian and Gay Foundation; Shirley Cramer CBE, CEO, Royal Society for Public Health; Neil Matthewman, CEO, Community Integrated Care; Brendan Hill, CEO, Mental Health Concern; Shirley Cramer, CEO, The Royal Society for Public Health; Mark Thomas, Assistant Director, Royal College for General Practitioners.
To read more:
21 October 2014, London, UK 
Fit for the future: Leading the way in Health & Care
Health and social care is at a crossroads – with signs pointing to integration, competition, prevention and personalization. The commissioning landscape is creating new sets of challenges but also new opportunities. Better engagement with patients, carers and communities is rightly growing in importance. And the influence and impact of social enterprises and charities in the field is bigger than it has ever been. Fit for the Future: Leading the way in Health and Care, Social Enterprise UK’s sixth annual health conference, is a practical one-day event for social enterprises, charities, housing associations, local authorities, CCGs, health and wellbeing boards, and those within the NHS. It is designed to help all delegates build partnerships, gain insight from experts, learn from frontline practitioners, and debate and shape the future of health and care.
21-24 October 2014, Berlin, Germany
Fix Europe Campus
FixEurope  will bring together activists from across Europe in a three-day campus environment for reflection, learning and strategizing. The campus will be about defining political priorities for the year ahead as well as running training workshops aimed at empowering participants in new techniques for campaigning, advocacy and communication at EU level; learning how the use of new technologies can help activists on the ground; mapping the new European institutions and studying which attempts at influencing decision-making have worked and why.
22-23 October 2014, Paris, France 
The Entrepreneurship Festival 
The only one two-days European Festival dedicated to entrepreneurship and entirely created by students in one month. The Festival will gather more than 2000 participants. The Festival will feature 10 events in two days on: collaborative economy, D.I.Y bootstrapping, new media, green & clean entrepreneurship, new tech/code, street food, open education, design/creative industries, community-serendipity-networking and  data analytics. 
23 October 2014, London, UK
High Impact: Improve your charity’s performance  
This event is for participants to discover and share new thinking on how their  organization creates impact. Attendees will learn how the impact measurement landscape is evolving and what it might hold for the future, and gain insight from some of the sector’s leading charities and funders. Sold-out for the last three years, this event gathers together more than 200 chief executives and senior management representatives from charities, social enterprises, trusts, foundations and commissioners.
23 October 2014, York, UK
The Funding Landscape 2014 
The UK's premier one-day conference drawing together policymakers, funders and support agencies with frontline charities, social enterprises and fundraisers.
An unparalleled opportunity for organizations  to improve funding know-how and get up-to-the-minute information about strategic policy initiatives that will affect them. 
28 October 2014, Plymouth, UK
Oxfam Volunteering, Fundraising and Social Enterprise
A workshop for anyone interested in starting, setting up and running social enterprises, managing volunteers and generating money through fundraising. This event is organized by the UnderGround Team. The UnderGround Team at the University of St Mark and St John are the part of the University that look after careers, travel, volunteering, enterprise, professional development and employability. 

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