Africa: Panos, a voice for everyone

Panos is a global network that draws on media sources in the developing world to foster change through communication and active participation to development

di Vita Sgardello

Panos, a voice for people in developing countries. Panos is a global network that draws on media sources in the developing world to foster change through communication and by encouraging people to actively participate in their own development. How? By promoting the spread of information and lobbying initiatives through local radio, by facilitating the training in development issues of local journalists, by making internet and telecommunications more accessible and by encouraging the flow of information between South and North, directly form the source.

?The capacity to receive information, to debate, and to express one?s own ideas and needs is a right in itself and an essential part of people?s ability to lift themselves out of poverty and participate in the life of their society?.

Panos has many success stories. From the ?media retreats? organised to promote dialogue between warring neighbours and to train journalists to not inflame tensions through their writing but rather to work with their colleagues across borders to produce investigative analysis, to the broadcasting in native African languages, such as Peul and Haussa and not only French, in West Africa.

The Panos network extends from the UK, France and Canada across to the Caribbean, South Asia and Africa and has been active since the 1980?s.

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