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AEGEE: Learning about European politics

A project launched by AEGEE aims to teach and test student's knowledge of European political affairs.

di Staff

Interested in international relations? Curious about what the European politicians are up to? Ever wanted to have a say in decisions that concern you? If you say yes to any of these…This project is for you!

AEGEE-Kraków, a branch of Europe’s largest university student association, AEGEE, is inviting students from across Europe to take part in Model European Union. The main goal of the project is to allow participants to familiarize themselves with the mechanisms that govern the functioning of the main organs of the European Union, the rules guiding the creation of Community legislation and its negotiation techniques. It is an excellent opportunity to test speaking and negotiating skills.

The Model project will divide participants into two commissions, representing the real organs of the European Union: the European Council and the European Parliament.

For the discussion, the three following topics are proposed:

• “The acceleration of pre-accession negotiations with Turkey; opening new negotiation chapters”

• “Common foreign policy of the European Union – an institutional approach”

• “The acknowledgment of informal education and life – long learning within the confines of the European Union”

Dates & Venue

4th – 9th November 2008, Kraków

Cost & Deadline

70 euros (with accommodation and meals provided)

Deadline is 30.09.2008

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