Advent Calendar: Day 9

A way to enjoy the last bit of 2011

di Staff

VitaEurope wants to keep you company until Christmas and remind you of all the beautiful things you can do to make the last bit of 2011 useful, fun, sustainable and unforgettable.

We have prepared for you a special advent calendar. Everyday we’ll suggest you a simple action to improve your life and the world around you.

Share your couch

Some cultures are more hospitable than others however while during college having people staying over for the night, sleeping on the couch at your house, is a normal routine, once we get a job and we officially become grown-ups having guests sleeping on the couch often becomes a taboo, unless they are close friends or relatives. We get self-conscious about the way our house looks , plus we work all day and when we get home we want to relax and have the couch just for ourselves. Today we’re asking you to do something different: break the taboo, welcome a new guest and offer your couch to someone who needs it.

There’s always someone who needs a place to stay for a couple of nights, especially if you live in a big city. It could be an acquaintance, a friend of a friend or you could even join the couch surfing community and host a traveler from far away.

There’s no way to feel better than exercising generosity. Having someone new staying at your house will give a new perspective on your life, it will make you appreciate more the comfort of your house and it will help you break the routine.

Opening the doors of your house will be a bit like travelling, without spending the money and taking the trouble to fly anywhere. It’s a great way to make new friends and learn about different cultures.

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