Advent Calendar: Day 2

A way to enjoy the last bit of 2011

di Staff

VitaEurope wants to keep you company until Christmas and remind you of all the beautiful things you can do to make the last bit of 2011 useful, fun, sustainable and unforgettable.

We have prepared for you a special advent calendar. Everyday we’ll suggest you a simple action to improve your life and the world around you.

We’re starting from number 2 . Since yesterday it was World Aids Day, today we invite you to make some time for yourself and do something that is not just good for you but that could also be good for others: Get Tested.

Sometimes we’re so busy doing things that seem to be necessary that we tend to slur over other things that are actually vital for our health. Nobody likes hospitals and doctors’ offices and nobody likes injections  but today you have the chance to do something that could save your life and the life of the people around you.

Getting tested is crucial because early diagnosis can really save your life by preventing life-threatening health conditions and combating the spread of HIV. Knowing your status will allow you to take measures to protect your health and the health of others. If you know you are HIV positive and pregnant, you can take medications and other precautions, such as refraining from breast-feeding, to reduce the risk of infecting your child.

Even if you feel great and don’t get symptoms, you should get tested, as a matter of fact sometimes symptoms don’t show up for years and HIV-infected people who seem healthy can still transmit the virus to others.

Here’s a list of real stories that might inspire you and if that is not enough, think about the wonderful breakfast you can treat yourself with after getting tested.

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