Ads for good
Tous Donateurs turns the world of advertising on its head and makes it charitable
di Staff

Advertising is a big business that makes big bucks – in the US alone internet advertising made revenues of 7.88 million dollars in 2011. As the economic crisis tightens the belt of public and private donors, charities are desperate to find new funding streams and advertising may just be one of them.
A French website called Tous Donateurs has launched the idea of creating a community of ad-watchers interested in giving to charity. For each ad that is watched, one euro is donated to the viewers’ charity of choice. The only catch is that at the end of each ad you have to answer a question about it to make sure you were actually watching it.
Smart marketing ploy or real fundraising potential? Its early to say for sure, however almost 20 thousand euros have already been donated to charity.
To find out more or starting watching and giving:
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