A European conference on biodiversity and protected areas

EUROPARC 2012 will gather more than 450 international participants from Europe and around the world

di Cristina Barbetta


Under the theme “(Re) Connecting society with biodiversity”, the EUROPARC Federation, Europe’s umbrella organization for protected areas, is organizing its annual conference  in Limburg, Belgium,  from 22 to 25 October 2012.
The EUROPARC Conference is the largest networking meeting in Europe for those working with and for Europe’s “green treasures”.
More than 450 international participants from Europe and around the world – protected areas managers and conservation experts from national parks, nature parks and other protected areas – will discuss the most urgent environmental issues and share their experiences on protecting Europe’s natural landscapes. 
Joining the celebrations of the NATURA 2000 twentieth anniversary and the LIFE programme, the EUROPARC Federation, which is comprised by some 430 member organizations from 34 countries, ,will welcome Janez  Potocnik, the European Commissioner for the Environment, as well as Karl Falkenberg, Director General of DG Environment, European Commission.
The conference aims at  developing new strategies and delivering  innovative, forward looking approaches that guarantee the effective management of protected areas.
A wide range of speakers will be present, to give their insights on (re)connecting , the conference’s theme, which will be dealt of  from different perspectives:  (Re)Connecting people with nature; (Re)Connecting nature with nature; (Re)Connecting business with biodiversity; and (Re)Connecting policy with practice. The concept of reconnection  enables to think and act outside each protected area, puts the focus on  a much broader region, facilitates the integration of biodiversity into surrounding communities and encourages cooperation with all stakeholders and target group. This model is now one of the best practices of the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature the EUROPARC Federation and many other organizations.

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