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A dynasty of social leaders

Ted Kennedy descendants promise to take good care of social changing heritage

di Rose Hackman

Survived by many, but no successor?  The title of the French newspaper’s Le Monde article spread (“Pléthore d’héritiers, mais pas de successeur”, Le Monde 30-31 August), dedicated to the descendants of arguably the most notorious Senator in American history suggests no member of the family will be able to keep the Kennedy-flame going.

This may be true when it comes to pure politics, but if you consider the late Ted Kennedy not so much a politician but a pioneer in terms of social advancement, you will find that his descendants are more than doing the job of keeping the Ted Kennedy flame alive.

Indeed the Kennedy clan seem to have muted into third sector champions.

Take Robert “Bobby” Shriver, nephew of the late Massachusetts Senator: by day he is a banker, but unbeknown to many, Bono and him co-founded DATA back in 2002.  DATA, which stands for debt, aids, trade and Africa, was created for the purpose of obtaining equality and justice for Africa through debt relief, adjusting trade rules which burden Africa, eliminating the African AIDS epidemic, strengthening democracy, more accountability by the wealthiest nations and African leaders and transparency towards the people.  Not the smallest of tasks.

Bobby’s brother Mark gave up his career in politics and now just so happens be the Vice President and Managing Director of US Programs for the charity Save the Children. 

Now Timothy Perry Shriver, another brother, is Chairman and CEO of the Special Olympics, and as such has widely campaigned against mocking of and discrimination of people with mental disabilities.  Oh yes, and by the way Special Olympics themselves were actually created by Eunice, Ted Kennedy’s sister.

The cause was also taken up by brother Anthony who in 1989 founded Best Buddies International, an international organisation that helps people with intellectual disabilities to find employment and social opportunities.

Meanwhile their cousin, Mary Kerry Kennedy, seventh daughter of Robert “Bobby” Kennedy, has been a Human Right activist since 1981, establishing the  RFK Center for Human Rights in 1988, which uncovers and publicises abuses such as torture, disappearances, repression of free speech and child labour.  Outspoken, she is a longstanding contributor to a wide array of American newspapers, as well as being guest on many TV shows.

Anybody else worth mentioning?  Too many.  But perhaps the last one who should be brought up is Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Teddy’s second wife and widow.  She co-founded Common Sense about Kids and Guns, an advocacy group begun in 1999 which seeks to reduce gun deaths and injuries to children in the US. 

I think it is fair to say that the battles for social justice and civic involvement Ted Kennedy was so renowned for during his political career will  continue being fought.

Survived by many – countless successors.

Goto Vita Europe’s article on Ted Kennedy and the The Serve America Act

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