A distance learning master against drug addiction

The master is both aimed at Italy and Arab countries

di Cristina Barbetta

San Patrignano, Europe’s biggest antidrugs centre,  together with the Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno (International Telematic University Uninettuno) have signed an agreement to establish a master for one thousand healthcare workers in the area of drug addiction.

The initiative was presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following a patronage of  Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi.

The master was explained at the presence of Letizia Moratti, former Minister of Education, University and Research, doctor Antonio Boschini, San Patrignano’s medical responsible, Maria Amata Garito, rector of the Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno and Elisabetta Belloni, Director General for Development Cooperation.

The master is particularly aimed at those Arab countries where the problem of drug addiction is increasingly growing. it will therefore be activated not only in Italy, but also in all those Arab countries that will ask for it.

Lessons from distance education, on television and on the internet, will be delivered in four languages, Arab, French, English and Italian, and will be aimed at creating scientific competences in the area of drug addiction.

At the end of the distance learning master the 30 best students will have the chance to do an internship at the San Patrignano centre.

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