Interactive web campaign about changemaking

Ashoka and All Nippon Airways (ANA) launch Blue Wings, an innovative and sustainable way to promote and accelerate positive change

di Staff

Ashoka, the world’s leading social entrepreneurship organization, has partnered with All Nippon Airways, Japan’s leading airline, and introduced a collaborative program titled Blue Wings: Wings for Changemakers. Together, they  launched, an interactive website focused on telling the stories of selected Ashoka Fellows, social entrepreneurs who are “changemakers” reinventing social systems for the good of all.
During the next six months, ANA will provide free air transportation to Ashoka staff and five Ashoka Fellows. And every week, Ashoka community has an opportunity to double ANA’s impact.
Visitors can vote weekly for Ashoka or any of the five Fellows’ organizations; for every vote cast, ANA will provide 50¢ directly to the respective organization (“Vote”). For any traveler who books a flight through this website, ANA will contribute 1% of the ticket price to the organization of that person’s choice (“Fly”). Finally, anyone on the site can share a story, in order to spread the word about what it means to be a changemaker (“Share”).  The website will allow participants to track their individual impact and engage directly with the social entrepreneurs whom they are supporting.
The Vote, Fly and Share features of the site will give users the opportunity to raise awareness, champion a cause, and make their own travel even more meaningful. The website will also introduce an innovative platform that will allow participants to track their individual impact in a tangible way and engage directly with the social entrepreneurs whom they are supporting.

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