How to go green on Halloween

VitaEurope's eight easy tips to go green on Halloween

di Staff



Get the fireplace started, it’s time for apple cinnamon cakes, pumpkin carving and horror stories, Halloween is just around the corner and if you are among those Southern Europeans who find it hard to get excited about a festivity which involves skeletons and zombies, you better give up your doubts and surrender to the reality of things: Halloween is taking over the world, so you might as well just get the best out of it and take the chance to do something good for the environment. Here are VitaEurope’s 10 tips to go green on Halloween.    

1.    Go green, go local        

Festivities usually make us  buy more food than usual, so why not taking the chance and support our community through local products? Find the farmer closer to you and get your very own sustainable pumpkin.

2.    Make your very own decorations    

There is no need to buy Get some glue, paper and a pair of scissors and Make your children, nephews or little cousins happy, ask them to help you decorate the house. You don’t need to be an artist to have great results and fun. You can find some inspiration here.                                   

3.    Time to swap!    

Who are you going to be for Halloween? It’s one of the most common questions these days, so do not disappoint your friends, wearing once again the same old witch costume. Spice things up a bit. Organize a small, pre-Halloween swap party with co-workers, so that you can a new costume and let someone else enjoy that 2 dollar wig you bought 10 years ago (just kidding).

4.    Save some energy, get the party started       

The key to a great Halloween party is the atmosphere. It has to set the mood for scary stories, horror films and trick or treating. This is why there is no better occasion to switch off some lights and sit in front of the fireplace with your Jack o’ Lantern.     

5.    Trick or treat    

Get treats that are good in every sense. Think about treating yourself and the little guests knocking on your door with fair trade sweets.       

6.    Prepare a seasonal dinner       

Nothing screams Halloween atmosphere more than pumpkins. This Halloween savor the taste of autumn, cooking a wonderful vegetarian menu, using seasonal ingredients. If you are not a chef, get inspired with these delicious recipes.           

7.    Reuse your bags           

If you are planning to go trick or treating, do not forget to use reusable bags. They are not just good for grocery shopping, they can really help reduce the waste produced during the festivity.          

8.    Trick or treat the important thing is to walk

Halloween offers a great chance to leave your car in the garage and start walking. Once again you could make your children, your nephews or your little cousins happy if you offered to take them trick or treating. Walking around your neighborhood in a night like this will allow you to do some exercise, meet people who live near you and see the place you live in from a different perspective.

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